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The Deliverance Movie: Cast ,Plot, Download, Release Date & Review

Lee Daniels’ latest film, The Deliverance, attempts to weave together the thorny issues of addiction, poverty, and racism with the classic horror trope of demonic possession. Despite its ambitious narrative, the film struggles to find a balance between its supernatural elements and the deeply rooted human drama at its core. What could have been a compelling domestic drama is buried beneath a mishmash of horror clichés, ultimately doing a disservice to both genres.

A Talented Cast in a Confused Narrative

Daniels, known for his searing explorations of difficult characters and raw relationships in films like Precious and The United States vs. Billie Holiday, brings together an impressive cast for The Deliverance. Andra Day, who earned acclaim for her role in The United States vs. Billie Holiday, takes on the challenging role of Ebony, a single mother battling alcoholism while trying to raise her three children in the shadow of her abrasive mother, Alberta, played by the legendary Glenn Close. The cast also includes Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor as a wise Reverend and Mo’Nique as a cynical social worker, all of whom deliver strong performances that are, unfortunately, underserved by the film’s uneven script.

A Tale of Two Movies

The Deliverance feels like two different movies awkwardly spliced together. The first half of the film presents a gripping family drama, delving into Ebony’s struggles with addiction and the generational trauma that haunts her. Daniels effectively portrays the complexities of Ebony’s character, making her starkly human even as her flaws make her difficult to sympathize with. Day’s performance is intense and riveting, single-handedly giving the film a degree of emotional depth.

However, as the film shifts into its horror narrative, it loses the nuance that made the family drama compelling. The introduction of demonic forces feels like an afterthought, tacked onto a story that was already engaging in its exploration of real-world issues. The horror elements are derivative, borrowing heavily from genre staples like The Exorcist, but without the originality or conviction needed to make them truly terrifying. Instead, we are treated to a series of predictable scares: children crawling up walls, bodies contorting unnaturally, and vile invectives spewing from the mouths of possessed characters.

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A Missed Opportunity for Social Commentary

The real-life case of Latoya Ammons, which inspired The Deliverance, offered a rich opportunity for social commentary. Ammons claimed that her home was haunted by demons, a story that raised questions about the intersections of faith, mental health, and systemic failure. Unfortunately, The Deliverance only scratches the surface of these issues. Daniels gestures towards deeper questions about who is abandoned or attacked in times of crisis by systems meant to help, but these themes are explored too superficially to make a lasting impact.

The film’s attempt to address the failures of social institutions is muddled by its inconsistent tone. One moment, the film seems to critique the judgmental attitudes of society towards those struggling with addiction and poverty; the next, it veers into absurdity with scenes like a demon-possessed Alberta sprouting fangs and spouting racial slurs. This clash of tones makes it difficult for the audience to take the film seriously, undermining any meaningful message it might have intended to convey.

A Questionable Use of Horror Tropes

One of the most troubling aspects of The Deliverance is its use of horror tropes in ways that feel exploitative rather than enlightening. For example, Alberta’s cancer treatment, which leaves her bald, is used to give her a vampiric appearance once she becomes possessed. This deliberate manipulation of a real-world illness to enhance the horror elements is in poor taste, turning what could have been a sympathetic character into a grotesque caricature.

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Similarly, the film’s depiction of child abuse, framed as the work of demonic forces, raises ethical concerns. While the movie attempts to explore the trauma that Ebony’s children endure, it does so in a way that feels sensationalized and exploitative. The horror elements overshadow the very real and serious issue of child abuse, making it difficult to discern whether the film is meant to be a serious drama or a campy horror flick.

Bright Spots Amid the Darkness

Despite its many flaws, The Deliverance does have moments of brilliance, largely thanks to its cast. Day’s portrayal of Ebony is a standout, capturing the character’s fierce protectiveness of her children as well as her vulnerability and bitterness. Her performance adds a layer of depth to a film that otherwise struggles to find its footing.

Glenn Close, despite being given a questionable role, delivers a performance that is compelling in its intensity. However, it is frustrating to see such a talented actress reduced to a character that is more a vessel for shock value than a fully realized person. Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor also shines as the Reverend, though her character’s arrival marks the point where the film begins to go off the rails.

The young actors playing Ebony’s children—Anthony B. Jenkins, Caleb McLaughlin, and Demi Singleton—also deserve praise for their performances. They bring a sense of realism to their roles, making the family dynamics feel authentic, even as the film around them descends into chaos.

The Deliverance Movie Release

“The Deliverance” was released on September 1, 2024, and has since garnered attention for its unique blend of horror and drama. The release on Netflix makes it easily accessible to a global audience, allowing viewers worldwide to experience Lee Daniels’ latest work. The timing of the release, just ahead of the Halloween season, positions it perfectly for those looking to indulge in a new horror film as the spooky season approaches.

The Deliverance Movie Download

For those looking to watch “The Deliverance” from the comfort of their homes, the movie is available for download on Netflix. As one of the most popular streaming platforms, Netflix offers the option to download the film directly to your device, allowing you to watch it offline at your convenience. Simply open the Netflix app, search for “The Deliverance,” and tap the download button to save it for later viewing. This feature is particularly useful for those who want to enjoy the movie without interruptions, especially during travel or in areas with limited internet connectivity.

A Disjointed Finale

As The Deliverance reaches its conclusion, it becomes increasingly clear that the film has lost its way. The horror elements, which were never particularly strong, become more ridiculous, while the family drama that once grounded the story is all but forgotten. The film’s ending, which sees Ebony attempting to reconcile with her estranged partner, feels out of place and tacked on, leaving the audience with more questions than answers.


In the end, The Deliverance is a film that fails to live up to its potential. Lee Daniels had the makings of a powerful domestic drama that could have tackled important social issues with the nuance and sensitivity they deserve. Instead, he chose to combine this with a half-baked horror story that neither scares nor enlightens. While the film is not without its merits, particularly in its performances, it is ultimately a disjointed and unsatisfying experience. The Deliverance may have had the ingredients for a compelling movie, but they are buried too deep beneath the surface to be fully realized.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download The Deliverance movie?

You can download The Deliverance movie on Netflix for offline viewing.

When was The Deliverance movie released?

The Deliverance was released on September 1, 2024, exclusively on Netflix.

What genre is The Deliverance?

The Deliverance is a horror drama that blends supernatural elements with real-world issues like addiction, poverty, and family dynamics.

Is The Deliverance based on a true story?

Yes, the movie is inspired by the real-life haunting case of Latoya Ammons, who claimed her home was haunted by demons.

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